
CCIE R & S ラボ試験とCCIE筆記試験が変更


Updates to the CCIE Lab and Written Exam Question Format and Scoring
Effective February 1, 2009, Cisco will introduce a new type of question format to CCIE Routing and Switching lab exams. In addition to the live configuration scenarios, candidates will be asked a series of four or five open-ended questions, on the computer screen, drawn from a pool of questions based on the material covered on the lab blueprint. No new topics are being added. Candidates will also see two other changes to the CCIE written exams. Effective February 17th, 2009, candidates will be required to answer each question before moving on to the next question. In other words, candidates will no longer be allowed to skip a question and come back to it at a later time. Finally, there will be an update to the overall score report. The overall exam score and the exam passing score will now be reported on a scale from 300-1000.

簡単に言うと、ラボ試験では試験時にラボの問題とは別に4つまたは5つの質問に解答しなければならないということ。open-ended question、つまり自由回答なので選択式ではないということになる。勿論、英文で回答しなきゃならないのかな? 少なくてもラボのプロクタへ口頭で回答する必要はなさそう。これがラボのスコアへどう影響するのかはわからないが以下のQ&Aを見る限り少なからずの影響はあるということになる。2009年2月1日からの実施。

Do the short answer questions affect my overall CCIE lab exam score?
Yes. All sections on the exam and their results are taken into account when determining the overall exam score.


How do you score your Cisco certification exams?  
Cisco Career Certification exams scores are based on a point scaling system that is widely used in the industry. Your score can fall within a point scale of 300 to 1000 points. You are automatically awarded 300 points for beginning the test and can score up to 1000 points if you answer every question correctly on the exam. Please note that the specific number of points awarded to a given question varies on each of our different exams. 
